Apple will start selling the new iPad Air and iPad Mini with Retina display in India starting this December 7. Apple iPad Air will be available starting Rs 35,900 for 16 GB WiFi only model while iPad Mini with retina display starting Rs 28,900 for 16 GB Wi-Fi only model.
Apple iPad Air takes the design cues from the Apple iPad Mini and power features from the MacBook Air. Packed with Apple A7 mobile SoC with M7 motion processor, the powerful Apple iPad Air also supports the new 64-bit architecture. The iPad Air’s 9.7-inch Retina IPS panel display has 2048×1526 pixel resolution. At the back of this tablet lies a 5 megapixel iSight camera while in the front there is a 1.2 megapixel iSight camera for high quality imaging as well as video recording. Packing a dual-channel WiFi support, the iPad Air is the top of the line tablet that will be sold starting Rs 35,900 for 16 GB WiFi only model in India.
The new Apple iPad Mini features a 7.9-inch Retina IPS display with 2048×1526 pixel resolution. This tablet has the Apple A7 mobile SoC with the new M7 motion processor that runs the Apple iOS 7.0 software update like a breeze. Apple has placed a 5 megapixel iSight camera at the back of it while a 1.2 megapixel iSight camera is in its front for imaging and video recording.
Apple iPad Air, Retina iPad Mini coming to India this week
Apple iPad Air and iPad Mini with retina display models will go on sale in India from December 7 onwards.