Ambrane has today launched a new smartwatch called FitShot Flex in India. The Ambrane FitShot Flex comes with a 1.69-inch Lucid display screen, 130+ watch faces, and various health monitoring features designed for the active lifestyle.
The product is priced at Rs 1499 and is available on Flipkart starting today. It comes with 365 days warranty. FitShot Flex is available in two smart shades – Jade Black and Rose Pink.
Ambrane Fitshot Flex Features
FitShot Flex has a curved square face, silicone straps, a rust-proof zinc alloy body, and is lightweight. With its 500 Nits vivid 1.69″ full touch large screen and LucidDisplay, the screen has a bright and clear view, even under the scorching sun.
The smartwatch is made of scratch-resistant 2.5D OGS curved Panda glass. It has a brightly lighted IPS LCD screen with a 240*240 Resolution that is ideal for daily use. Further, it comes with over 130+ cloud-based watch faces for a new look every day.
ALSO READ: Ambrane launches FitShot Surge Smartwatch in India
The smartwatch has eight exercise modes to support a wide range of activities. The health-related features include SpO2, Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Breathe Mode, Sleep Mode, Menstrual Tracker, etc. Aside from 24*7 health monitoring.
In addition, the smartwatch also tracks Daily Activity Tracker, Stress, Record & Sedentary reminders, etc. The all-in-one smartwatch is waterproof to IP68 and can withstand sweat, splashes and more, to keep the user-health on track.
FitShot Flex features a 7-day battery life on a single charge. The smartwatch sends alerts to the user’s wrist for incoming phone calls and text messages. The audio and camera may also be controlled by the smartwatch. It also enables you to take charge of the progress and intelligently track it using alarm, timer, and stopwatch.
Ambrane has launched over 5 smartwatches under its Fitshot series in less than two months, which includes – Zest, Sphere, Curl, EDGE and Surge.