Ambrane India has announced the launch of ‘A3-770 Duo’ tablet at Rs 3,999.
The tablet comes with a capacitive 7 inch multi-touch display featuring 1024×600 pixels resolutions. It runs on the Android 4.4.2 Kitkat operating system and has dual SIM slot, offering 3G and 2G connectivity. It has GPS for navigation as well.
The tablet is armed with a Dual Core Cortex-A7 processor, 1 GB RAM and 8 GB in-built memory, which is expandable upto 32GB. It is backed by a 2650 mAh Li-Po battery. The tablet has a 2 Megapixel primary camera that allows video recording as well. Also, the phone comes with an additional 0.3 MP front-facing secondary camera for video calling and selfies. It comes with one year accidental damage warranty with utilitarian accessories like stylus pen.
Ambrane A3-770 also houses Music Player, HD Video playback, FM Radio. The tablet also supports several connectivity options which include 3G, WiFi & internet connectivity via USB line converter.