After launching Amazfit Verge smartwatch in India for Rs 11,999, Huami has now launched a cheaper version. Dubbed as the Amazfit Verge Lite, the wearable is priced at Rs 6,999 and is available from Flipkart. The Amazfit Verge Lite comes in Shark Grey and Snowcap White colours with a matching silicone strap.
The Verge Lite features a 1.3-inch 43mm circular AMOLED Display with a Resolution of 360×360 pixels and Gorilla Glass 3 protection. The device offers several sports modes, including outdoor running, treadmill, walking, outdoor cycling, indoor cycling, elliptical trainer, exercise and more.
The smartwatch is compatible with Android 4.4 devices or later, iOS 9.0 or later. It has features like Smart Notifications for call/text, calendar, email, and other smartphone apps as well as sleep monitoring, music control, silent alarms with customized vibration, event reminder.
The Verge Lite also packs a bunch of Sensors that include an accelerometer, gyroscope, ambient light sensor and a PPG sensor for cardiac health. The wearable is powered by a 390mAh battery which is claimed to offer 20 days of battery life. For connectivity, it has Bluetooth 5.0 LE and GPS+GLONASS.