Bharti Airtel has announced to offer Rs 10,000 cash back on the tenth anniversary iPhone. The telecom service provider will sell the iPhone X starting from tomorrow 6 pm on its new Airtel Online Store.
The iPhone X is priced at Rs 89,000 for 64GB model and Rs 102,000 for the 256GB model. But Citibank Credit Cards customers will get a cashback of Rs 10,000.Further, The cashback will be available between 6.00 pm, November 3, and 7.00 am November 4. It is worth noting that the offer will only be available for Airtel postpaid customers as an unlocked device on a first come first serve and full payment basis, till the stocks last.
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Recollecting some key specifications, iPhone X features a bezel-less display and sports a 5.8-inch Super Retina Display, which is made out of OLED screen. The screen comes with a resolution of 2436 x 1125 pixels and has a Pixel density of 458ppi. The latest iPhone sports a glass back and is strengthened with stainless steel frame. The display also supports HDR 10 as well.
Moving on, the iPhone X sports a new TrueDepth Camera, which the company claims is used to map user’s face and unlock it using FaceID. The new iPhone X is powered by the latest A11 Bionic chip with a neural engine, which the company helps improve machine learning algorithm. The neural engine comes with a dual-core processor. Apple says FaceID is safer as compared to the TouchID.
Further,Airtel’s Online Store launch is part ofProject Next. Adigital innovation program aimed at transforming customer experience across all of its services and touch points. Airtel plans to invest up to Rs 2000 crores under Project Next to launch several exciting digital innovations to step change the simplicity and interactivity of the Airtel customer experience.