Bharti Airtel has announced the launch of its Online store ( to offer a range of premium smartphone with affordable down payments. The store went live today and listed the Apple iPhone 7 32GB variant for a downpayment of Rs 7,777 and instalment of Rs 2,499 for postpaid customers.
The company has also announced a new plan which includes 30GB 4G data, unlimited calling (local, STD, national roaming), and Airtel Secure package that covers the device against any physical damage and offers cyber protection. The iPhone 7 was launched in India last year with a price tag of Rs 60,000 and is now available for Rs 38,999 on leading e-commerce website. Further, the iPhone 7 128GB is available at downpayment of Rs 16,300 and the iPhone 7 Plus 32GB and 128GB are available at a down payment of Rs 17,300 and Rs 26,000 respectively.
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The according to Airtel, the Online Store is the part of its ‘Project Next’, which aims at making it easier for customers to upgrade to smartphones without the constraint of high put-down prices and cumbersome financing schemes. Airtel’s Online Store services are currently available to customers in 21 cities across India and will be expanded to other cities and towns shortly. The telecom giant even claims to invest up to Rs 2000 crores under Project Next.
Additionally, Airtel has partnered with Apple Inc., HDFC Bank, Clix Capital, Seynse Technologies, Brightstar Telecommunications and Vulcan Express to enable the digital experience on its Online Store. Airtel’s Online Store services are currently available to customers in 21 cities across India and will be expanded to other cities and towns shortly.