Bharti Airtel has announced six new Smart recharge prepaid plans for its users in India. The telecom operator has introduced Rs 25, Rs 35, Rs 65, Rs 95, Rs 145 and Rs 245.
The new packs from Airtel are currently available in Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh West and Punjab, reports TelecomTalk. Starting with the cheapest smart recharge plan, Rs 25 pack offers Rs 18.69 Talk time value to its users coupled with 10MB of data. The plan is valid for 28 days. Rs 35 smart recharge gives Rs 26.6 talk time along with discounted voice calls at 60 paise per minute and 100MB of data with a validity of 28 days.
Next in the line are Rs 65 and Rs 95 prepaid plans that offer full talk time value of the same amount respectively. The Rs 65 comes with 200MB of data along with 60 paise per minute voice calls. On the other hand, Rs 95 gives 500MB of data along with 30 paise per minute voice calls.
Moving on to Rs 145 Smart recharge plan, users will get 1GB of data and Airtel is offering full talk time of Rs 145. Users will be able to make voice calls at a price of 30 paise per minute. All the above-mentioned packs come with a validity of 28 days. Lastly, there is Rs 245 smart recharge that offers 2GB of 4G data to its users. Apart from this, one will get full talk time value of Rs 245 and one can make calls at a discounted rate of 30 paise per minute. The plan comes with a validity of 84 days.