Airtel has announced a new First Recharge (FRC) of Rs 76 for its prepaid customers. Last year, the telecom operator five new recharge options – Rs 178, Rs 229, Rs 344, Rs 495 and Rs 559 under its FRC portfolio. The Rs 76 Prepaid plan is a new addition to existing FRC plans.
TelecomTalk reports that the new Rs 76 recharge option will offer its customers a Talk time of Rs 26 for a period of 28 days. Users will be charged at 60 paise per minute for all voice calls. Furthermore, Airtel will also be offering 100MB of 2G/3G/4G data for the validity period.
It is important to note that the Rs 76 recharge is available only to new Airtel subscribers. The recharge option can be availed only via My Airtel App or website, other than at the time of availing the SIM card.
Airtel Rs 178 plan offers 1GB of 4G data per day and it comes with a validity of 28 days. The plan also offers unlimited local, STD and national Roaming along with 100 SMS per day. The Rs 229 plan also offers unlimited voice calls on local and STD networks along with 1.4GB of data per day and 100 SMS per day.
Airtel FRC 344 and Rs 495 offer 2GB and 1.4GB of data per day. The former comes with a validity of 28 days, while the latter is available for 84 days. Airtel also offers an unlimited voice calls and 100 SMS per day during their respective validity period. Lastly, FRC 559 prepaid pack comes with a 1.4GB of 4G data per day along with unlimited calls and 100 SMS per day. This pack comes with a validity of 90 days.