On the day of official launch of iPhone 5 by Apple in India, Airtel has also today announced four attractive voice and data post-paid tariff plans staring from Rs 300.
In the Rs 300 plan, Airtel’s post-paid subscriber will get 200 MB of 3G data, 500 local calling minutes and 300 local and national SMSes free per month. The actual cost of this tariff plan is Rs 600.
Another plan that costs Rs 500 will give 500 MB of 3G data, 900 local calling minutes and 400 local and national SMSes free per month. The actual cost of this tariff plan is Rs 1,000.
For moderate voice and data service users, Airtel has announced an Rs 800 plan where in users will get 1.2 GB 3G data along with 1,400 local calling minutes and 500 local and national SMSes per month.
The last plan announced by Airtel is for heavy data and voice service users in which users have to pay Rs 1,000 to get 3 GB 3G data, 1,500 local calling minutes and 600 local and national SMSes per month.
If the user exceeds his voice call or data usage limits, he will be charged 60 paise per minute for outgoing calls to mobiles, 90 paise per minute for calls to landline and 40 paise for local and national SMSes. On data front, users will have to shell out 3 paise for usage of 30 KB of data beyond data limit.