Airtel has today launched five new combo recharge packs for its prepaid customers in the Mumbai circle starting at Rs 35. The telecom operator has introduced Rs 35, Rs 65, Rs 95, Rs 145 and Rs 245 worth of recharges.
These new combo packs offer data, Talk time and long-term validity to its customers. Starting with the cheapest smart recharge plan, Rs 35 pack offers Rs 26.5 of talk time and 100MB of data to its users. The plan is valid for 28 days. Rs 65 smart recharge gives 55 of talk time and 200MB of data with a validity of 28 days.
Next in the line is the Rs 95 prepaid plans that also comes with a validity of 28 days and it offers Rs 95 talk time and 500MB of data.
Moving on to Rs 145 recharge plan, users will get talk time of Rs 145 and 1GB of data for 42 days. Lastly, there is Rs 245 pack offering its customers Rs 245 of talk time and 2GB of data. This plan comes with a validity of 84 days.
On the announcement of the most affordable packages, Amit Tripathi, Chief Executive Officer of Bharti Airtel said, “We are constantly listening to our customers and are working towards improving their experience through exciting innovations and process re-engineering. These revolutionary prepaid packs are designed to truly simplify the customer experience and offer great value. All this will continue to be backed by world-class customer services on India’s best mobile network.”