The iconic American motorcycle manufacturer, Indian has announced the launch of its 2018 Roadmaster Elite in India at a price tag of Rs 48 lakh (ex-showroom). Since the Elite edition is priced Rs 8 lakh more than the standard variant, it comes with the custom-inspired dual tone candy paint and claimed to be handcrafted with the real 23K Gold leaf badging in the tank, which takes 30 odd hours to give it the finish.
Additionally, the Rs 48 lakh (ex-showroom) machine comes with the remotely operated hard saddlebags, up to 36 kg of cargo space. The Elite features LED Pathfinder headlamps and driving lights along with the push-button power windshield, pinnacle mirrors, pillion armrest, keyless ignition, cruise control same as the standard variant, 300-Watt audio system and aluminium cast frame.
Similar to the standard Roadmaster, the Elite edition is powered by the 1811 CC Thunder Stroke 111, V-twin oil-cooled engine that produces 150 Nm of peak torque. Mated to a 6-speed transmission, the brand promises the mileage of 15kmpl. Further, it comes with a seven-inch Indian Motorcycle Ride Command System including features like navigation,Bluetooth audio, vehicle information and status along with the split-screen technology.
For breaks, the cruiser comes gets the 300 mm dual disc and the 300 mm single disc with the ABS on both the ends. It rides on the 119 mm telescopic fork suspensions at the front and the 114 mm single shock at the rear. In terms of dimensions, the motorcycle measures, 2656 mm in length, 1000 mm in width and 1491 mm height. The rider sits at a height of 673 mm on the machine, ground clearance and wheelbase of 140mm and 1668 mm respectively.