Xioami had launched Xiaomi Mi 6 in china last month in two variants – Standard Edition with a glass body and the Ceramic Edition. Now as per new rumours, the company will soon be bringing a new Lite variant of the Xiaomi Mi 6. The new variant might be named as Mi 6 Youth Edition or the Mi 6 Lite Edition. The Lite version will reportedly feature the upcoming Snapdragon 660 SoC at a cheaper price. The Mi 6 Lite variant is expected to be priced at 1999 Yuan which is approximately Rs 18,597 and could be unveiled as early as June next month.
We already know that Qualcomm will be unveiling a new mid-range Snapdragon 660 processor on May 9. The Chipset is expected to feature an eight-core architecture, which might come with a combination of two Kyro cores with quad cores of Cortex Aa73 CPU clocked at 2.3 GHz and the quad cores of Cortex A53 processor running at 1.9 GHz.
As per rumours, the new variant will be coming with a similar set of the specification as the existing Mi 6 except for the downgrade of the chipset from Snapdragon 835 to Snapdragon 660. Recently, some reports surfaced which says that Xiaomi Mi 6 might never come to India at all. However, we hope that the company launches Mi 6 in India also.
The Xiaomi Mi 6 comes in two variants – 6GB RAM with 64 GB internal storage and 6GB RAM with 128 GB internal storage which is priced at 2,499 Yuan (approximately Rs 23,436) and 2,899 Yuan (approximately Rs 27,172) respectively. The Mi 6 Ceramic Edition with 6GB RAM and 128 GB internal storage and with 18-karat gold camera rims which are priced at 2,999 Yuan (approximately Rs 28,109).
The Xiaomi Mi 6 comes with a four-sided 3D glass design and features a 5.15-inch Full HD (1080p) display. The Mi 6 has glass on the front and back with a stainless steel frame in between. It is powered by a latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 64 bit octa-core processor clocked at 2.45GHz, which is clubbed with Adreno 540 GPU, 6GB of RAM, and 64GB/128GB of internal storage. The smartphone runs Android 7.1.1 Nougat operating system with MIUI 8 on top of it. The fingerprint scanner is placed in the front under the glass. Xiaomi Mi 6 is also splash-resistant, with the SIM tray also sealed against splashes.
Xioami Mi 6 get its strength from a 3350mAh battery which is coupled with MIUI optimisations which enable the Mi 6 to last up to a full day. On the camera front, the Mi 6 comes with the dual camera set up two 12-megapixel rear cameras. One camera has a Wide-Angle lens with 4-axis Optical Image stabilisation and another 12-megapixel telephoto camera for 2x lossless zoom. On its front, it has an 8-megapixel snapper for selfies and video calling. For connectivity, this smartphone supports 4G network with VoLTE and offers Dual SIM, Dual speakers, WiFi (802.11 a/b/g/n), Bluetooth 4.2, GPS/ A-GLONASS, NFC and USB-Type C. Xiaomi has ditched the 3.5mm Headphone jack on the Mi 6. The Mi 6 comes with 2.2 dual WiFi technology which allows for better and wider connectivity.