Celebrating 10 years of IPL, this year’s title sponsor Vivo has launched a new Matte Black edition of Vivo V5 Plus at an event in Hyderabad today. The new Vivo V5 Plus is identical in terms of specifications but stands out with a new Matte Black colour with IPL logo engraved at the back of the device in Gold. The company didn’t reveal the price but The Mobile Indian quoted officials saying that ‘it shouldn’t be more than the regular Vivo V5 Plus’. The device will go on sale starting 10th April via Flipkart and various offline channels, for a limited time only. If you are not aware, Vivo V5 Plus which was launched earlier this year is currently priced at Rs 27,890 across various offline channels. Check out our Review for the Vivo V5 Plus.
The main highlight of the device is the dual front-facing camera setup which constitutes of a 20-megapixel sensor and an 8-megapixel sensor along with a Moonlight Glow flash. The front-facing dual camera set up offers an enhanced depth of field (DOF) which is also known as Bokeh effect. At the back, there is a 16-megapixel camera with LED flash where we get features like features include Face Beauty, Panorama, HDR, Night, Ultra HD, PPT, Motion Track, Professional, Slow, Fast, Voice Shutter, Touch Capture, Palm, Timer, Gender Detection, Filter, and Watermark.
Below listed are full detailed specifications for the Vivo V5 Plus
>>5.5-inch Full HD (1920×1080 pixels) display with Corning Gorilla Glass 4 protection.
>>1.8GHz Octa-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 (MSM8976) processor coupled with Adreno 506 GPU
>>4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage – expandable storage up to 128GB.
>>16-megapixel rear camera with LED flash | 20+8-megapixel front camera with Moonlight flash
>>3160 mAh battery with fast charging support.
>>Android 6.0 Marshmallow
>>Fingerprint Scanner
>>Dual SIM, 4G with VoLTE, Bluetooth 4.1, A-GPS, GLONASS, with Google Maps, Wifi-802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi hotspot.
>>Accelerometer, Gyro Sensor, and Geomagnetic Sensor.
>>Dimensions: 153.8 x 75.5 x 7.55 mm | Weight: 156g
We expect the Matte Black IPL Edition of Vivo V5 Plus will boast same specifications although the price may differ. Also, we expect Vivo to sell this smartphone via Offline stores only which is where the handset manufacturer normally sells its smartphones.