Just yesterday we reported that Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime 32GB is expected to be launched for Rs 16,900 in India. Now Mahesh Telecom, a Mumbai retailer, is claimed to be offering Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime 32GB smartphone for purchase offline at Rs 16,900. Samsung has already launched Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime 16GB in India last year and it is now currently retailing at Rs 15,900 online.
As far as specifications are concerned, the Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime has a metal body and a 5.5-inch 2.5D glass display that comes with 1920×1080 pixels Resolution and Gorilla Glass 4. It is powered by a 1.6 GHz octa-core processor, which is paired with 3GB RAM and 32GB internal storage. An expandable storage slot is there for a micro SD card of up-to 256 GB capacity. The smartphone runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system and also offers a fingerprint scanner, which is integrated into the home button.
The Galaxy J7 Prime has a 3300 mAh battery and comes with S Bike mode. To activate S Bike mode, all you have to do is attach an NFC tag, which comes bundled with the phone, with your bike (like on the petrol tank). Just before getting on your bike, the user just needs to tap the phone with the NFC tag that will turn on the S Bike mode. Once activated, callers will hear a message that the person is riding and they can leave messages.
Moreover, It has also comes equipped with S Power planning and S Secure features. The S Power planning mode extends battery life and the S Secure feature allow users to hide and lock applications, secure WiFi and create a separate Secure folder for images and applications.